Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Easter alone

From Diana: One person I gave the dvd to told me... that he watched the film Easter morning by himself. He said he thought the film was wonderful and was very convicted that he was not doing what he should be doing as a Christian. He said by the end of the story he had become quite emotional. He was very APPRECIATIVE!!! that I gave him one of the dvd's. He since has passed it on to another person [at work] and she wants her entire family to see it!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Workplace evangelism

Diana shared, "I handed my videos out at work today. They all received them willingly!!! I wrapped them in pastel colored tissue paper with a card with a note on how I would appreciate their input from the dvd. And of course I gave them the popcorn. They were quite impressed that our church was doing something like this. Two ladies asked directions to our church..(both are unchurched). One of these ladies told me that she had just told her grandson this past week that she was going to take him to church this week to learn about Jesus!"

Monday, March 24, 2008

Jill's story - combined effort & the peace of God

At first mention of the Jesus Film Outreach at church, the nerves set in…that uncomfortable “I know we should do this”, but “surely someone else in our neighborhood will” feeling. Well, they did! Adam contacted us about a neighbor, just around the corner, who had committed to taking a street in our neighborhood, but preferred to go with others. I kept praying for God to open my heart to this mission and break down those “comfort zone” barriers. My husband and I met with our neighbor, Tom, and got to know each other a little bit better before heading out on our mission. We found that we shared many of the same fears: rejection, others’ perception of us, what to say, how to say it, etc. What I learned from that meeting with Tom was that we didn’t have to know exactly what to say or how to say it, but that God knew our hearts and would use us. And, He did! The three of us met on a beautiful Sunday afternoon and began knocking on doors and approaching neighbors who were out in their yards. I think we all felt God’s presence and calm within minutes. Our neighbors seemed appreciative and receptive to the outreach. It was enjoyable to meet new people…and to begin breaking down some of our personal comfort barriers. Our prayer will continue to be that the Holy Spirit will work in the lives of our neighbors and community through this positive outreach.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Unique opportunities

A few folks felt that their efforts would be better focused on open doors they already have outside their neighborhoods. Please pray for:
Diana: giving them to coworkers at Columbus Regional Hospital.
Judy: to clients at the Pregnancy Care Center.
Julie & Leslie: to families of children on the route of their church bus ministry.

A cord of many strands

Many folks are saying "I'll cover my street/block." Please pray for these folks:
Martha on Baker Hollow Rd.
Adam & Amanda with Roy: taking Wedgewood Commons and Flintwood North apartments.
Tim on Riverside Dr.
Tom with Ben & Jill on Sherwood and Nottingham
Lenore on Lafayette
Jeff & Marta on Spruce St.
Chuck & Emily covering Bull Run and Cattle Dr.
Missy on Sloan Valley Dr.
Gary & Linda on Wildwood
Pam on Gilmore

Grandview Lake outreach

Steve & Gretchen Fisher host an annual Christmas party for the year-round residents of Grandview Lake, always sharing the "reason for the season." By given the Jesus Film they will help their neighbors understand the reason for Christmas (which is Good Friday & Easter!). Please pray for the Fishers in this outreach.

Chinese congregation covers High Vista

The Columbus Chinese Fellowship has partnered together to reach approx. 100 homes in High Vista. Please pray for Leo Tian and family as they distribute the Jesus Film to their neighbors during Holy Week and invite them to Easter services.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Nazarene church takes 300+ homes

First Church of the Nazarene will cover 300 homes between 17th and 10th Streets, and Marr Rd. & Gladstone. Please pray they are given permission to also reach out in Quail Run apartments.